- Sede Primada de Nova-Terra -
La Jurisdicción Original de la Iglesia Católica Romana Antigua en las Américas
Fundada en Jerusalen en 33 A.D.; Organizada Utrecht in 696 A.D.; Establecida en Gran Bretania en 1908 A.D.; Establecida en Las Americas en 1914 A.D.
The College of Bishops of the
North American Old Roman Catholic Church
The College of Bishops of the North American Old Roman Catholic Church is composed of all bishops in good canonical standing within the Church. The Primate, the Metropolitans, the Bishops-Ordinary, the Auxiliary Bishops, the Missionary Bishops and the Bishops Co-adjutor enjoy both voice and vote in all meetings of the College. Retired Bishops and those bishops who are inactive and who hold no office within the Church are entitled to a voice but not a vote in all meetings of the College of Bishops of the North American Old Roman Catholic Church. The College of Bishops is charged with the duty of overseeing and protecting the Church's faith, worship, ministry and government and has the special duty of electing a Metropolitan-Primate whenever the Primatial See becomes vacant.
The Bishops-Ordinary, the Metropolitans and the Metropolitan-Primate constitute the Sacred Consistory according to the Constitution and Canons of the Church and exercise ecclesastical jurisdiction according to the prescriptions of the Constitution and Codex of Canon Law of the Church.

Edward J. Ford, T.O.R., S.T.D.
1952 - 2024
Ordinary of the Diocese of New England
Archbishop Ford was a solemnly professed Franciscan Friar of the Third Order Regular, born and educated in Boston, Massachusetts. He was ordained to the Sacred Priesthood in Boston and served as Pastor of several parishes and established a number of missions throughout the New England and Hampton Roads areas. Through the many years of his ministry, he worked in the fields of education, child guidance, community service, insurance and accounting. During those years he was also blessed to have been able to serve as an unofficial foster-father to several boys whose mothers asked him to assist them and to guide them as they grew up into young men with families of their own. He remained a constant and regular figure in their and in their children's lives. He counted eight young men as his foster-sons, and through them, twenty-five foster-grandchildren and eighten foster great-grandchildren. He was first elected as an Auxiliary Bishop in 1978 and later was elevated to the Office of Ordinary of New England, and subsequently was elected as the Metropolitan-Primate of the Church. He re-organized and re-vitalized St Francis Seminary, co-ordinated the revision and publication of the Church's current Constitution and Codex of Canon Law, as well as missalettes and service booklets for the official liturgical services and rituals of our Church. He authored numerous articles, booklets, pamphlets and devotional materials currently in use throughout the Church and also was the principal compiler of the Church's catechism: Our Catholic Faith and Practice. He was Pastor of Blessed Sacrament Old Roman Catholic Church in Sanford, Maine; and iwas the Director of the Prince of Peace Christian School, a private Christian School serving students in grades K through 12, which is also located in Sanford, Maine. In addition to serving as the Director, Archbishop Ford taught English, French, Latin, Spanish, Christian Studies, Philosophy, Ethics, Apologetics and Constitutional Law to the High Schoolers there.
(Biographies and Photos to follow)
Archbishop Raphael Villareal Falquez
Bishop John O. Finney
Bishop Alberto Biondo
Bishop Dieudonne Nitonde
Bishop Jean de la Crox Ondigui
Bishop George Odhiamba
Bishop Simonpeter Nnolumfu
Bishop Waldemar K. Maj
​Bishop Luis Amado Báez
Bishop Sean Britt